Hacktoberfest #4 - OpenDrinks


So last time out I was trying to figure out what is going wrong with my .NET development environment in my machine but with no success, although I tried to contact some of the maintainers for further information I had no response so far so I had to search for an alternative and this one in particular caught my eye, it is called OpenDrinks.


OpenDrinks is an open source website collection with many drink recipes written with the Javascript framework Vue. I found the opportunity to collaborate with it interesting, although my contribution was not large, since I have little knowledge about Vue but quite some experience with Javascript, so it will be great to learn a new framework for my portfolio.

The website is fairly simple in the sense that is easy to find drink recipes and the design is minimalistic, although the maintainers are looking to improve on it, soI plan on collaborating further during this course like adding PWA or fixing design flaws.

Enjoying drinks I found it interesting the variety of recipes added by the contributors and I also appreciate that the website in itself is 100% collaborative through GitHub, from recipes to the project itself and the maintainer is very open to the community's ideas.

I have added a couple of my favorite recipes to the website, the Peach Bellini and Vodka Schweppes under my pull request.


While waiting for a response to work on my C# project Winforms I plan to collaborate with OpenDrinks in many forms, being either developing new features for the website as well as "unit testing" some of the recipes, let's see where this goes!


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